Constitution 2023
Motueka Valley Association1) The name of the organisation shall be the Motueka Valley Association.
2) The boundaries of the Association shall be from Shaggery Creek/Woodmans Corner to the Baton Valley/Macleans Picnic Area, incorporating the six districts of Ngatimoti, Orinoco, Pokororo/Pearse, Graham Valley, Woodstock/Baton, Pangatotara.
3) The objects of the Association shall be to:
⁃ a) provide a forum for expression of public concerns and to support ways of addressing them;
⁃ b) bring community issues to public notice and to encourage participation in them
⁃ c) foster full utilisation, coordination and development of community facilities, finances and resources;
⁃ d) ensure the needs of the Motueka Valley area made known to the Tasman District Council and other government organisations, and that the area is appropriately served by them;
⁃ e) provide an effective communication channel and central point of contact for the public, local bodies, departments, organisations, etc;
⁃ provide support and development for other local groups.
4) Membership is open to any person residing in the area (as recognised by the electoral roll) and ratepayers (whether resident or not). There is no annual subscription fee.
5) An Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held before the end of September each year. Special General Meetings may be held upon receipt of a motion, by more than six members, by the Secretary. Committee meetings shall be held as appropriate and usually every month.
6) The Association will be managed by an elected Committee with at least 6 members including:
⁃ a) Chairperson – who will take the Chair at all meetings – if not available the Chair shall be taken by another Committee member elected from those present for the duration of the meeting;
⁃ b) Secretary – who will prepare agendas and take minutes of meetings, conduct correspondence as approved by the Committee, and keep all (non-financial) records of the Association;
⁃ c) Treasurer – who will control all finances (and keep all financial records) of the Association, provide a financial report at each meeting as required and, for the year ended June 30th, at each AGM.
7) Committee Meetings require a quorum of at least 4 Committee Members.
8) The Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer my receive Honorariums as approved by members at an AGM.
9) The Committee shall be elected by all members present at the AGM or a Special General Meeting (SGM), subject to a quorum of at least 5 members. Nominations to stand for election to the Committee should be presented to the Secretary at least one week before the AGM/SGM.
10) Meeting attendees who do not qualify as Members of the Association may speak at the meetings but only Committee Members or Members attending an AGM can vote
11) Any proposed amendments to these rules must be presented to the Secretary in writing at least one week before an AGM or SGM, and approved by Members attending, subject to a quorum of at least 5 members.
12) In the event of the Association winding up, any funds or assets belonging to the Association shall be donated to a similar organisation, as agreed by Members attending a Special General Meeting.